Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Freud Analysis

My pleasure : to produce quality treasured oil paintings
My need : 4 Litre Tubs of thick oil paint
My problem : global conflict over economic malaise

The sense of inequity when perceiving others’ sense of pleasure and happiness, unachievable with resources available to self, frustrates the individual to a point that aggression arises !  In the pursuit of pleasure, to attain the G cup booties, the fat cigar laced with weed, and the spiced wild turkey, the individual will resort to violence, not for pleasure itself, but as a means.  The ghetto dweller of the west, as I am unaware of the conditions in the east, the negro or the hispanic, has no opportunity, as a result of the means of Imperial utilitarianism of the renaissance, to pursue any labors of perceived pleasure, whether it be of greater ease or greater reward, will attempt to avoid the pains, humiliations if I may say so, of the sense of inequity, as would have been felt in the days of slavery, or even by the common dishwasher !

If one could conjure up the thesis for electricity and the mobile tele-phone, there is no reason why we cannot eliminate the pains of the present day dishwasher, such that we are able to pursue our own pleasure without interference …. essai … can you help me ? ….. I need a robot to wash dishes and clean the toilets !  Unfortunately we still have the burdens of menial labor.  In this industrialized world, one where robots are welding together cars on production lines, … we still have to deal with the grit on the silver, the grime on the clay and the shit on the throne.  I doubt very much that the arab with the suicide bomb has any religious convictions, only an economic distribution inefficiency !

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